Conjunto del Embrague

Código: 51148

Tamaño: 12"


  • Deutz DX3 SC 07 Series
  • This Is LUK Clutch Assembly
  • 60142RS Bearing
  • 62032RS Spigot Bearing
  • 3941 KAWE Clutch Release Bearing
  • Size: 12" 310/280mm 12 Bolt
  • Click Service Bulletin Or Info Provided By LUK

  • ** Overweight Product +30KG – Requires Skid Delivery **
231.0031.11, 21/200-144, 200-144, 02940167, 02940226, 02940353, 04342464, 04350869, 04371473, 04378771, 231 0031 11, 231.0031.11, 231003111
Original equipment manufacturer names and part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment.

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