Lift Arm Rock Shaft Kit

Código: 58039

Lift Arm Rock Shaft Kit John Deere 6010 6020 6030 7020 7030 Series 12 Spline ** 6 Cylinder Tractor **


  • John Deere 6010 6020 6030 7020 7030 Series
  • 12 Spline
  • Suits 6 Cylinder Tractors
  • Lift Arm 425mm Centre to Centre
  • 59197 Lift Arm Seal
  • 59344 Bushing Rocker Shaft
  • Suitable for NORMAL Duty Rockshaft Kit on 6830 Premium and 6930 Premium. The HEAVY Duty Kit is 57828
L166977, L158720, L168344, L166978, L116396, L166976, L166979, L116397, L158721
Original equipment manufacturer names and part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment.

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